Diversity is important in any portfolio, which is why investors are constantly comparing one asset to another. Gold and silver have proven their value over millennia, while cryptocurrency has been around for less than 20 years. Understanding these wildly diverse investment options will help you understand where to put your money.
When investing and protecting one’s money, many often ask whether one should convert cash in a bank account into physical assets, including precious metals such as gold and silver. Low-interest rates that haven’t been unable to keep pace with inflation and the increased risk associated with banks raise the question: should I buy gold or […]
In times of economic uncertainty, many investors turn to time-tested assets, including gold. Over the past few years, the American and global economies have experienced significant turmoil, convincing many that it’s time to diversify their portfolios to include some of these assets. In this article, we’ll review some of the factors that make gold a […]